“Aisyah radhiyallahu ‘anha menuturkan bahwa pada zaman Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam pernah terjadi gerhana matahari. Beliau lalu mengutus seseorang untuk menyeru ‘ASH SHALATU JAMI’AH’ (mari kita lakukan shalat berjama’ah). Orang-orang lantas berkumpul. Nabi lalu maju dan bertakbir. Beliau melakukan empat kali ruku’ dan empat kali sujud dalam dua raka’at.” (HR. Muslim no. 901)
“Aisyah menuturkan bahwa gerhana matahari pernah terjadi pada masa Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. Lantas beliau shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bangkit dan mengimami manusia dan beliau memanjangkan berdiri. Kemuadian beliau ruku’ dan memperpanjang ruku’nya. Kemudian beliau berdiri lagi dan memperpanjang berdiri tersebut namun lebih singkat dari berdiri yang sebelumnya. Kemudian beliau ruku’ kembali dan memperpanjang ruku’ tersebut namun lebih singkat dari ruku’ yang sebelumnya. Kemudian beliau sujud dan memperpanjang sujud tersebut. Pada raka’at berikutnya beliau mengerjakannya seperti raka’at pertama. Lantas beliau beranjak (usai mengerjakan shalat tadi), sedangkan matahari telah nampak.” (HR. Bukhari, no. 1044)
Ringkasnya, agar tidak terlalu berpanjang lebar, tata cara shalat gerhana adalah sebagai berikut:
[1] Berniat di dalam hati.
[2] Takbiratul ihram yaitu bertakbir sebagaimana shalat biasa.
[3] Membaca do’a iftitah dan berta’awudz, kemudian membaca surat Al Fatihah dan membaca surat yang panjang (seperti surat Al Baqarah) sambil dijaherkan (dikeraskan suaranya, bukan lirih) sebagaimana terdapat dalam hadits Aisyah:
”Nabi shallallahu ’alaihi wa sallam menjaherkan bacaannya ketika shalat gerhana.” (HR. Bukhari no. 1065 dan Muslim no. 901)
[4]Kemudian ruku’ sambil memanjangkannya.
[5]Kemudian bangkit dari ruku’ (i’tidal) sambil mengucapkan ’SAMI’ALLAHU LIMAN HAMIDAH, RABBANA WA LAKAL HAMD’
[6]Setelah i’tidal ini tidak langsung sujud, namun dilanjutkan dengan membaca surat Al Fatihah dan surat yang panjang. Berdiri yang kedua ini lebih singkat dari yang pertama.
[7]Kemudian ruku’ kembali (ruku’ kedua) yang panjangnya lebih pendek dari ruku’ sebelumnya.
[8]Kemudian bangkit dari ruku’ (i’tidal).
[9]Kemudian sujud yang panjangnya sebagaimana ruku’, lalu duduk di antara dua sujud kemudian sujud kembali.
[10]Kemudian bangkit dari sujud lalu mengerjakan raka’at kedua sebagaimana raka’at pertama hanya saja bacaan dan gerakan-gerakannya lebih singkat dari sebelumnya.
[12]Setelah itu imam menyampaikan khutbah kepada para jama’ah yang berisi anjuran untuk berdzikir, berdo’a, beristighfar, sedekah, dan membebaskan budak. (Lihat Zaadul Ma’ad, Ibnul Qayyim, 349-356, Darul Fikr dan Shohih Fiqih Sunnah, 1/438).
sumber: dari catatan facebook teman
15 January 2010
09 January 2010
Why We Must Have QWERTY Phone? (part 1)
When people were busy-crowded talking blackberry, I'm including one that does not really care. At that time I did not see something different and special in a gadget called the blackberry. I even think that the blackberry is just a trend and assume that people are interested in the blackberry is only idle people who only just follow a trend but don't really know functionality of the gadget.

I did not much care and do not try to better understand the function of blackberry and how it be different from regular phone. In my mind no different between blackberry and other phone.
Internet access provided by the blackberries are not attractive to me, even at the same time I need a tool that can facilitate internet access. I have not seen the blackberry as Internet access solution that I need.
When Blackberry released recently, mobile phones with a sense of blackberry began to emerge. These phones have a physical form similar to the blackberry but with functions that are not much different from regular phones. These phones trying to take advantage of trends that grown up by the presence of blackberry. With a cheaper price blackberry like phones is of course interesting for those who want blackberry but can not reach a fairly expensive price. presently, blackberry like phone flooded market in Indonesia.

Of course there are real differences between the blackberry and blackberry like phone. Although we may not be able to distinguish between the blackberry and blackberry phone in form. The difference, of course, in terms of functionality. Considering the price that is relatively far different, of course many people would prefer this blackberry like phone. However, this aspect of functionality that should be considered, not just follow trends or fashion.
The cheap prices offered by the blacberry like phone was made me a bit tempted, too. I originally did not really care to be tempted to try the phone also think about this gadget. convenience factor for internet access was a key factor that made me think about the phone and will begin to look this kind of phone.
This backberry like phone in my view has two strategic sides. as a mobile phone it's trying to compete with blackberry, this phone has a form similar to the blackberry. This is realized with a QWERTY keypad which is similar to a computer keyboard arrangement. This forms of key arrangement is made without no purpose. Phone functions are more than just voice communication to be the main reason of this kind of form buttons.
Another strategic side is this phone still a communication device that can not leave it's function. The phone still be useful to facilitate communication with an affordable cost. This Appropriate and affordable cost is the reason why people interest with this phone.
In addition, the relative price of the device that cheaper than real blacberry making this blacberry like phone or QWERTY phone has become very appealing. this blackberry like phone can bring convenience and sensation of real blacberry but with affordable cost as regular phone. The combination of two of its strategic interests.
For that reason, I will start hunting this QWERTY phone without a doubt with functionality reasons, although many people choose this phone as part of a mere fashion.

I did not much care and do not try to better understand the function of blackberry and how it be different from regular phone. In my mind no different between blackberry and other phone.
Internet access provided by the blackberries are not attractive to me, even at the same time I need a tool that can facilitate internet access. I have not seen the blackberry as Internet access solution that I need.
When Blackberry released recently, mobile phones with a sense of blackberry began to emerge. These phones have a physical form similar to the blackberry but with functions that are not much different from regular phones. These phones trying to take advantage of trends that grown up by the presence of blackberry. With a cheaper price blackberry like phones is of course interesting for those who want blackberry but can not reach a fairly expensive price. presently, blackberry like phone flooded market in Indonesia.

Of course there are real differences between the blackberry and blackberry like phone. Although we may not be able to distinguish between the blackberry and blackberry phone in form. The difference, of course, in terms of functionality. Considering the price that is relatively far different, of course many people would prefer this blackberry like phone. However, this aspect of functionality that should be considered, not just follow trends or fashion.
The cheap prices offered by the blacberry like phone was made me a bit tempted, too. I originally did not really care to be tempted to try the phone also think about this gadget. convenience factor for internet access was a key factor that made me think about the phone and will begin to look this kind of phone.
This backberry like phone in my view has two strategic sides. as a mobile phone it's trying to compete with blackberry, this phone has a form similar to the blackberry. This is realized with a QWERTY keypad which is similar to a computer keyboard arrangement. This forms of key arrangement is made without no purpose. Phone functions are more than just voice communication to be the main reason of this kind of form buttons.
Another strategic side is this phone still a communication device that can not leave it's function. The phone still be useful to facilitate communication with an affordable cost. This Appropriate and affordable cost is the reason why people interest with this phone.
In addition, the relative price of the device that cheaper than real blacberry making this blacberry like phone or QWERTY phone has become very appealing. this blackberry like phone can bring convenience and sensation of real blacberry but with affordable cost as regular phone. The combination of two of its strategic interests.
For that reason, I will start hunting this QWERTY phone without a doubt with functionality reasons, although many people choose this phone as part of a mere fashion.
06 January 2010
Now, we’re here in a new year. Time when we can reflect about what we already done in the past. And at the same time it’s a time for us to make a new perspective about things that we can do in the future.
The word that can reflect about our resolution or plan in this new year is change. The change is a suitable word that describe about us and the world around us. We have to realize that the world around us are always change and it’s very dynamize. The world around us will always change time to time.
The things around us are not a static thing. New technology discover and produce from to time. New concept and method always establish every day. These things are change our life and our thinking and will advancing our quality of life.
It’s us who must follow the world around us. And, it’s not them who will follow us. So, we must change. change to be a better person who always suitable with the time we live and suitable with the world around us.
I also post this article at kompasiana
The word that can reflect about our resolution or plan in this new year is change. The change is a suitable word that describe about us and the world around us. We have to realize that the world around us are always change and it’s very dynamize. The world around us will always change time to time.
The things around us are not a static thing. New technology discover and produce from to time. New concept and method always establish every day. These things are change our life and our thinking and will advancing our quality of life.
It’s us who must follow the world around us. And, it’s not them who will follow us. So, we must change. change to be a better person who always suitable with the time we live and suitable with the world around us.
I also post this article at kompasiana
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